FxFactory Pro 8.0.11 完整版 + 串口密钥信息:
具有无可比拟功能的视觉效果工具箱。FxFactory 是一个革命性的视觉效果包,它为 Final Cut Pro、Motion、After Effects 和 Premiere Pro 提供了最大的增效工具集合。
FxFactory Pro 8 特点:
– FxFactory 提供对一系列视觉效果的快速访问,这些视觉效果旨在与 Adobe After Effects、Final Cut Pro 或 Motion 配合使用。
– 此外,FxFactory 具有直观的界面,可让您浏览和管理系统上安装的所有效果。
– FxFactory OS X 应用程序还允许您在不购买的情况下使用免费产品,但也支持购买和注册商业产品。
– FxFactory Pro 版本允许您制作自己的视觉效果,而无需编写任何代码。
– 用户可以检查所有插件并为您的项目进行适当的配置,或基于现有插件创建新插件。
– Create your own effects for Final Cut Studio without writing code. Seamless integration with FxPlug: once to install the plugin, you can immediately start using them in Final Cut Pro, Motion and After Effects and more!
– An additional advantage is that the Pro Pack plug-ins support the construction of a moving image of 16-bit and 32-bit. FxFactory
– it’s not just the built-in plugin manager, but also a complete environment for their management. Through it you can connect to the project the necessary modules, apply them to your content, preview and rendering.
One of the following:
- Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.6+
- Motion 5.6+
- Adobe After Effects 17+
- Adobe Premiere Pro 14+
- Davinci Resolve….
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 11.5