ChrisPC Win Experience Index 7.03.10

File Size : 2.7 Mb When you purchase a n...
ChrisPC Win Experience Index 7.03.10

File Size : 2.7 Mb

When you purchase a new computer, you want to make sure its performance matches your expectations, and the most convenient way is to analyze its Windows Experience Index. However, since Windows 8.1 no longer includes this function, you can rely on ChrisPC Win Experience Index. The application installs smoothly on your PC and it automatically displays the Windows Experience Index (WEI) on the host computer.

The WEI is a measurement utility that can can help you get an idea of the responsiveness and performance you should expect of the PC. It basically assesses the hardware on the computer and assigns a rating to the processor, RAM, graphics, gaming graphics and primary hard disk - once these scores are displayed, the lowest one will also be assigned to the PC.

If you are not pleased with the WEI on your computer, you can upgrade a certain piece of hardware, then run the assessment again. The values can range between 1.0 to 7.9, depending on the PC’s configuration.

Needless to say, the higher the ratings, the better your PC will function and provide you with improved user experience. However, please note that if your processor is built on 64bit architecture, you will also need to buy more than 4GB of RAM, otherwise the rating will be stuck at 5.9.

ChrisPC Win Experience Index features a highly intuitive graphic interface that only displays the ratings, without any unnecessary menus or buttons.

All in all, ChrisPC Win Experience Index can help you get an overall idea of your computer’s performance if you do not have the skills to run the assessment tool of the OS and discover the PC’s Windows Experience Index.

ChrisPC Win Experience Index has many key features like
Brings back the Windows Experience Index to Windows 10.
Brings back the Windows Experience Index to Windows Technical Preview.
Rate your computer on Windows 8.1 with 1 click.
Rate your computer on Windows 10 with 1 click.
Fast access to Windows Experience Index scores on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
Share your WEI scores as a JPEG image, Text file or copy to clipboard to your friends.
See your computer ratings for CPU, Memory, Storage Disk, Graphics, Gaming.
Re-run assessments with a single click on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
Multi language interface: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Portuguese.
Simple and intuitive interface

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